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LMS Marketing Solutions to Know Who’s Visiting Your Website

Do you ever wonder who is looking at your Learning Management System (LMS) business website? If you knew who they were, you could figure out if they were a potential customer, so that your sales team could engage them and close even more deals to increase sales. Right? Well, you’re not the only one. The reality is that a lot of Learning Management System (LMS) marketing professionals don’t know who is looking at their site. While tools like Google Analytics tell you how many people are looking at your Learning Management System site, it does not show the identity of the site visitors or their IP addresses. Google+ does this to secure the personal privacy of their site visitors, but it’s not so helpful for marketing professionals using the device. Thankfully, there are many other tools that you can use to learn more about your site visitors: how they found your site, how often they visit, and what pages they look at. Beyond “tools,” there are strategic “methods” to encourage your site visitors into giving information about themselves on your site (and we’re not just talking about contact forms and “get a demo” button). Whether your target market consists of decision making C-Level Executives or Directors in companies or educational institutions, having the ability to check their activity early in the sales cycle will help you create better leads and close more sales. Whether your target market consists of choice making C-Level Executives or Directors in companies or educational institutions, having the ability to check their task early in the sales cycle will certainly help you find better leads and also close much more sales. Below are a few techniques and tools you could use to better understand who is viewing your Learning Management System website:

The Techniques

To begin, you need to ask yourself four questions: What is the size, reach, and appeal of our Learning Management System firm’s website? How engaging is it? How much content has been produced to draw in new site visitors? What incentive does the website give to get the customers to take action? You want to understand who is interested in what you are offering and provide them information with value. By producing important content to draw in ideal site visitors and encouraging them to give you the information you need through calls-to-action to download premium content offers (ebooks, reports, how-to guides, calculators, etc), you are building a process to collect their information and better understand their interests. This method is called Inbound Marketing. Before you use the tools that can help you, you need to perfect Inbound Strategy, complete with content to engage your site visitors so you can convert them into qualified leads. The right content, with the best SEO, mixed with effective tools, gives you the ability to learn even more from your site visitors and qualify them for your sales team.

The Tools

Hubspot One of the best and full-featured tools for online marketers is Hubspot. Hubspot Marketing Free is an excellent tool that will help you find out more regarding your leads before they fill out a form. Hubspot’s Prospects Tool lets online marketers see the IP and company of site visitors. They also let you record individual information by altering you when a visitor shares an email, so you know who they are, where they came from, what pages they looked at, and where they work. This will help you follow-up quicker and will help you recognize which content is producing the most traffic and concentrate more on that. When the lead comes back to your site, the monitoring will pick back up where it left off. This way, you will know exactly what the prospect wants. Kickfire Kickfire uses exclusive recognition technology that identifies firms that are looking at your site. You will get comprehensive information about the business, allowing you to connect with potential customers early in the buying process. Kickfire allows you to track site visitors by username, email address, revenue, market, or other special identifiers. This tool also features a scoring system that allows you to identify very qualified leads. Leadfeeder Leadfeeder is an online tool that helps you keep an eye on the activity of the leads on your site. You can incorporate it into preferred CRMs like Zoho, Salesforce, and Pipedrive. As soon as it’s linked, Leadfeeder will give information to your CRM that will show what your potential customers are doing on your site. It can also integrate with Google Analytics to expose the identifications of individuals that are looking at your website. One of the best parts of the tool is its automatic reporting. Your leads visitor information will be sent out to your email and CRM. This means you will have the information you need, when you need it. Leadfeeder also has a lead scoring function that allows you to identify qualified leads. IP monitoring devices Anytime a prospect goes to your site, their IP address is recorded on your internet server. The IP address can be useful for a number of reasons. For example, you could use IP2Location to discover the location of the visitor’s web service. You could also use IP Checking and Who Is to do a “whois” search to see who owns the IP address. If your site gets a lot of visitors from the same company, each visit will be tracked individually by time and date. Keep in mind that IP lookup options are not always fool-proof. Your site visitors could use common web applications to hide their identity. The bright side is that the majority of CRMs have functions that enable you to filter your outcomes. Since you’ve identified your site visitors, now let’s go over the best ways to engage your new leads.

The Follow-up

Once you have determined who is visiting your site, it’s important to give them useful content, call them, and ask what they thought of your information. You can offer to share more resources, or send a Lead Nurturing Email. Here is an example of a message your sales team could use when engaging a new prospect: “Hey there [Contact name], I noticed that you downloaded and installed [Premium Content Offer Title]. Did you find it helpful? I thought you might also find this write-up interesting: [Title of a Helpful and Related Blog Post]. I’d be happy to meet with you to share any other information and resources to help you. Would it be helpful to review [Associated Topic] on a quick telephone call?” Many potential customers will be happy that you knew they saw your site and will agree to review and discuss their findings further.


Both significant takeaways of this article both start with the letter “T”. Applying the very best Technique like Inbound Marketing to supply unfamiliar people motivation to discover your site when browsing online, leveraged by the very best Tools for transforming and recording leads (Hubspot), will help you draw in and identify your ideal site visitors and master lead-generation! It can hard to do this all alone. We at Responsify work with Learning Management System (LMS) online marketers to offer strategy, support, and help applying these tasks. By collaborating, we help marketing experts purposefully draw in brand-new site visitors, convert them to qualified leads, and then happy consumers. We’ve helped several marketing pros integrate the Inbound Marketing Methodology into their existing marketing mix. If you want to go over ways to help your Learning Management System (LMS) business find out even more about your site visitors and turn them into qualified leads, don’t hesitate to call for a free strategy session. We are happy to help you review your strategies and give you free advice to learn more about your leads and close more sales.

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