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LMS Marketing Services Techniques to Generate More Qualified Leads

The hard truth is that not everyone out there is an ideal customer for your Learning Management System (LMS) option. If you are like many marketing pros in Learning Management System, you don’t want to waste your time marketing to people that don’t need or can’t use your remedy. Instead, you want “Qualified” leads. Hubspot defines a “Qualified Lead” as a potential customer whose features match those of the company’s optimal buyer. For example, people like C-level executives and directors at companies and educational institutions are considered Qualified Leads as they are influencers or decision makers of purchasing Learning Management System (LMS) services. Here are some great tips for producing more Qualified Leads for your company:

Develop Strategic and SEO Content

One of the biggest things you could do to attract Qualified Leads is to develop content your ideal potential customers want to get them to your website. This content usually comes in the form of blog posts, ebooks, videos, and more. Creating Buyer Personas, doing Keyword Research, and developing Inbound Content that addresses their typical concerns, helps them in their research, and informs them, will place your business and site as a reliable source.

Guest Post on Industry Related Sites

Guest posting on reliable sites in your industry is a great way to create qualified leads. This technique works because you are getting to people that are possibly already curious about your service or product. Pick a relevant and engaging topic that will catch the attention of your viewers. Make sure to use keywords that will enhance your message’s ranking in online search. Remember to put a link to your landing page in the writer biography. Here are a few of the leading Learning Management System (LMS) blog sites you could consider.

Conduct Live Webinars

A webinar allows you to share details with individuals in real time using live video. You could use the webinar as an offer or host it on your own. If you organize the webinar, it is also a good idea to partner with an influencer in your market. This will enhance the program’s integrity and bring in more qualified leads. Remember to have a Q&A session at the end. Webinars work well because they are customizable. You can include some life in your presentation and make a more powerful connection to your target market.

Run Quizzes and Surveys

Quizzed and surveys are fun ways of getting information from your leads. By asking questions that are specifically designed for your leads, you will better understand the issues and obstacles of your target market. You will also better understand where they are in the buyer’s journey. An example is the Marketing Medicine Network study for Learning Management System execs. You could advertise your tests and surveys using social media to get even more people involved. For tests, people need to give their name and email address to get their results.

Enhance Your Landing Pages

A poorly developed Landing Page can be the reason you are not getting enough qualified leads. For example, your page could be company-focused instead of customer-focused. Or, the size and scale of your page could be off. You could look at other well-designed landing pages as examples, and find ways to enhance your own. Update your content to make it more customer-centered. Use keywords that your target market is looking for when searching online. Test different elements of your page to see what works best. For example, you could try out different CTA messages and colors.

Post on LinkedIn

Research has shown that LinkedIn is the leading social media network for B2B list building. To create qualified leads on this network, release informative content that will interest your target market. In addition to creating backlinks to your site, getting published on LinkedIn Pulse is a great opportunity to position yourself as an expert.

Use Facebook Ads

One of the best and easiest ways to target qualified leads is through Facebook Ads. You could use ads to target leads based on their individual likes, hobbies, or even location. Be sure to not turn your ads into a sales pitch. The goal is to get people to join your email list where you can nurture them. You just want to supply a link to your landing page where people can get even more information about the offer.

Request Referrals

Clients that have experienced your Learning Management System (LMS) service or product can be an excellent resource of qualified leads. According to Nielsen, individuals are more likely to buy from a business when it is recommended to them by a person they recognize. Send your clients a survey to find out exactly what they like about your business and ask if they are happy with their purchase. At the end of the survey, ask “Would you recommend us to a friend?” If they say yes, send them a message like this: “Thank you for responding to the study! Do you know of anyone who could use our {product/service}? We offer a one-time ____________ deal for every new customer referral.” Don’t forget to reward customers with special deals or offers if they give a referral. Beyond clients, employees are also a great source of Qualified Leads, too. This means everyone in your company: online marketers, sales reps, accounting pros, designers, and supervisors. To motivate even more referrals, you could offer an incentive or reward.

The bottom line

Getting Qualified Leads is just one of the many jobs of any marketing professional. The suggestions detailed above are all a component of a bigger marketing strategy called Inbound Marketing. Inbound Marketing includes producing beneficial content for your website visitors and using this content to keep them engaged until they become Qualified Leads. Your Learning Management System (LMS) business could use Inbound to draw in brand-new site visitors, convert them right into leads, and nurture them into faithful consumers. It could be really tough to do all this alone. We at Responsify work with Learning Management System (LMS) online marketers to offer strategy, support, and help carrying out these tasks. We’ve collaborated with numerous marketing pros to apply Inbound Marketing Strategies for their Learning Management System (LMS) firms. Don’t hesitate to ask for a complimentary strategy session to help you assess your current strategies and take them to the next level.

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