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Health Care Marketing B2B: 6 Keys to Increase Your Market Share

B2B marketing can be a difficult journey for marketing professionals, and that’s ok! No matter who your target audience is, it’s important to follow proactive steps in securing your market share and gathering the right customers. The global health care marketing b2b market has been estimated to rake in a substantial revenue of $536.6 billion by the end of 2025, from $196.3 billion in 2017, according to Transparency Market Research. Consider it as a best practice to always search for new statistics for your health care marketing b2b strategy in order to increase your market share. As your Healthcare Technology market rises, so should you! With the increasing number of competitors out there, you need a way to stand out and have your voice heard as a business. This can be difficult, but not impossible, by any means. In this article, you’ll receive key insights to what you can do in order to help increase your market share. There are many different forms of marketing strategies that might or might not work! But, at least you’re giving it a shot, right?

Let’s jump right in and see some of the main keys to growing your market share with health care marketing b2b:

1. Become laser focused on your most important buyers

To increase your market share with health care marketing b2b, you need to have a clear idea of who you are selling to. A Buyer Persona is a fictional character that you create that is representing your ideal target customer. You can create Buyer Personas based on very specific factors such as goals, challenges, responsibilities, demographics, motivations, roles, and behavioral patterns. For instance, you could have ‘Private Practitioner Peter ‘, ‘Hospital Administrator Adam‘ or ‘Clinician Chris‘. By understanding their unique challenges and addressing them, you are more equipped to create the right marketing content to engage them and increase market share. This will definitely take a little bit of time and research from your end, but well worth the workload. There are a few methods of gathering data about your ideal customers, such as Google+ analytics, social media analytics and more. You’ll be able to utilize this information for other campaigns and projects down the line. Aligning your sales and marketing team as well! There is a multitude of benefits for creating your ideal Buyer Personas, but you won’t find out what until you map it out.

2. Define the purchasing process of your ideal buyers

Creating your Buyer Personas is one thing, but mapping our their journey is another. You want to make sure you understand your ideal Buyer’s Journey from start the finish. Outlining common paths that funnel your customer through a finely tuned process is very important. Once created, you will then know what stage your ideal customers are at with your business. The three stages are:

  • Awareness stage – This is the first stage of the Buyer’s Journey and is where the buyer becomes aware of their problem or pain and is curious on how to solve their issue. This where you provide quality information that will help them understand their situation and clearly define their problem. You are literally raising awareness.
  • Consideration stage – Here is where your ideal buyers understand what their pains are and how to solve them. You have presented other options that would be a solution to their needs along with your own. Now, the ideal customer will view their options and figure out which is the best that works for them.
  • Decision stage – Once your ideal buyer reaches this stage, they are in the process of making a decision. Here is where you want to address your product solution to meet their needs as a customer. You want them to understand the pros and cons to their decision, and why you stand out from all the competitors out there.

Targeting your prospects and future customers with quality content that is appropriate to their needs will result in more engagement and subsequently higher leads coming in. These three stages of your Buyer’s Journey are very important to your overall marketing strategy. Don’t miss out on the opportunities out there, which brings us to our next point…

3. Leverage quality content and premium content offers

One of the best ways to engage with your ideal customers is through strategic content creation. A recent study by Hubspot showed when B2B companies that use health care marketing b2b tactics to create content often attract more leads than those that don’t. After you developed a very clear Buyer Persona for each persona and mapped out their Buyer’s Journey, make sure your content addresses their specific challenges and questions. This will help build trust and increase the chances of converting visitors into leads, which convert to a sale. Be sure to consistently publish fresh content on a regular basis, preferably twice per week or more. Don’t forget to include calls-to-action (CTA) in your blog posts to encourage visitors to joining your mailing list or downloading more content. Building a strong relationship with your ideal customers through blogging can generate more sales, thus increasing your market share and impact. Quality content is still king and should be approached as such. If your audience is able to take away relevant, applicable information from your content, and have given you their personal information for more, you just created a stronger relationship and a new lead! You want to strengthen that relationship between you and the reader, having them always wanting to come back for more and educating themselves on topics of interest.

4. Stay updated within your industry to keep an edge

There are always new innovations, updates and changes in any industry, but it’s your job to try and stay ahead of the pack. You will need to always stay informed with what is going on in your realm. Ask yourself questions like… what are the market share statistics for your market? What process are the leading competitors applying so that you can learn from? Who are the new and emerging businesses within your industry? What are the latest technologies out there? Where is your industry heading in the next few years? Having such information at your fingertips will help you create a more effective Content and Inbound Marketing Plan. Industry knowledge is very valuable to your content creation process, especially in the healthcare world. So stay updated so that you can be the leader in your industry.

5. Use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques

According to HubSpot, more than 60% of marketers acknowledge the importance of SEO for generating organic traffic. SEO involves tweaking different elements on your website or content, in order to improve your search engine ranking. One of the most important factors that determine rankings is keywords. Take time to research on the key industry keywords which you would want to rank for. Be sure to include these keywords in your blog headers and content throughout the piece. Your image names and alt-tags should also contain your target keywords. Don’t forget to place your keywords in your meta descriptions and page URL. Optimizing your site will attract more traffic and enhance the chances of making more sales. Utilizing SEO is one of the biggest factors in getting your content seen through search engines such as Google and Bing. This is tied to being relevant to your audience, based on timing. You want to match the keywords to what your intended audience is searching for.

6. Nurture your leads that you have generated

The aim of lead nurturing is to convert your ideal leads into qualified leads and eventually into buyers. The best ways of doing this are through an automated email series or chatting online. It would be advisable to segment your list according to the Buyer’s Journey and create relevant content for each segment. Share links to your recent blog posts and keep in touch with your leads. Not everyone is willing to make the purchase right off the bat, so this is where lead nurturing comes into play. You want to update your reader/leads with recent industry developments so they are aware of the latest information out there for their market. Give them firsthand information about new offers or discounts as well. However, don’t bombard them with too many emails or phone calls too soon. They might get overwhelmed and unsubscribe from your list. You want your sales or marketing team to time their interactions with the leads you have acquired. Closing the deal is an art form in itself, so make sure your sales team understands this process very well.

The final word

Just as good parenting results in good children, good strategies and implementations result in increased market share. When you are able to attract a good amount of qualified leads through effective marketing strategies, your sales team will, in turn, be able to close many more deals and improve the market share of your Healthcare Technology company. Its vital to your business to educate ideal customers with solutions to their needs. You want to cultivate your leads into a sale and loyal customer. If you gather just regular leads, you might not have a high close rate, and that will affect your market share, but if you capitalize on Inbound marketing efforts, you will be able to achieve your goals within the global medical software market. The key strategies that were outlined above are a part of what is known as the Inbound Marketing Methodology. Your Healthcare technology company can benefit greatly from this methodology and attract the right clients for your B2B market. Typically when starting out as a business, most do not have a whole team in place to tackle Inbound. They’ll need to hire a writer, editor, marketer, web producer, and more to get the ball rolling. One viable solution to your Inbound marketing needs is Responsify. Responsify is an all-in-one growth marketing solution that helps businesses gather quality leads in their B2B and B2C marketplace. Helping multiple businesses create a quality strategy, relevant content and highly-actionable premium offers. If you are curious about how to increase your B2B Healthcare market share, then schedule a 1-on-1 strategy session with one of our lead strategists today!

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