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Health Advertising Agency: Choosing the Right One to Gain Traction

Two heads only work better than one if they’re working together. Teaming up with the right health advertising agency will only benefit you if they understand your Digital Health company and its market. Unlocking this door requires patience, cooperation, and an earnest desire to discover solutions. A hired gun that jumps from project to project won’t do. You need a collaborator that can develop into a long-term marketing partner. Knowing which health advertising agency is right for you isn’t always clear, but there are a few indicators that you should keep an eye on.  

Do You See Content Marketing on Their Site?

Want to gauge how well a health advertising agency uses Content Marketing? Check out their website!

  • Is the design attention-grabbing? Is their blog easy to find and navigate?
  • Is their content customer-centered and relevant? Do you want to read more?
  • Are there Call-to-Actions? Do they spur you to download an offer (eBook, whitepaper, etc)?
  • Can you spot a Content Strategy?

If you catch yourself repeatedly answering “no”, it’s best to consider another option. When a health advertising agency doesn’t practice what they preach, it’s a glaring red flag.    

Can They Commit Enough Time?

We can’t do anything without the big “T”. This goes double for content providers. You could be madly in love with a health advertising agency, but if they’re unable to squeeze you into their schedule, things will never get off the ground. Your Content/Inbound partner has to be able to meet these basic requirements:

  • A minimum of an hour a week to go over results and talk strategy.
  • Do they have enough manpower to handle the workload? A Content Marketing engine runs on teamwork. This means a Content Strategist, a Writer/Editor, a SEO Wiz, a Designer, and a Developer.
  • Are they able to commit to a long-term strategy? It usually takes about 6 months before Content Marketing yields significant results.
  • Overall, your content marketing partner has to put in 40-50 hours of work a month.


How Are They Measuring Success?

Loads of web traffic and qualified leads smell like success. Everyone knows this. On the other hand, knowing how to get to that point isn’t so obvious. How are the metrics collected? How do they signal if a strategy is on target or missing the mark? A milestone that signifies an upward trend for one business, could signal failure for another. Never settle for a generic guarantee of “success”.  

Do They Consider You a Client or a Partner?

A big check puts a smile on everyone’s face, but no one likes being treated like a flashing dollar sign. You have to judge if an agency is looking for a partnership or just a payday. Take a close look at their motivations:

  • Are they sincere supporters of your HealthTech’s mission?
  • Does their past work highlight a customer-centered, solution-oriented approach?
  • Can you feel their enthusiasm for solving problems?
  • Do they make building a long-term strategy a top priority?

If they pass the test with glowing marks, you might have found your Content Marketing right hand.  

The Bottom Line

When choosing a Content Marketing agency for your Digital Health company, you have every right to be picky. You’re not just making a single purchase; you’re forming a partnership. Like all good things, it’ll take some time, but the right agency will gladly work with you every step of the way.

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