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How Great User Experiences = Higher Conversion Rates

You’ve probably already heard the term User Experience (UX) Design being used in the world of website lingo. But have you ever wondered, “How does UX impact my ability to get a higher customer conversion rate?” How great UX increases your customer conversion rate

The difference between User Experience (UX) & User Interface (UI)

UX & UI two different but complementary concepts. The best way to think of it is: UI is the buttons on the control board, and the UX is the strategic positioning of the buttons. How do you figure out what is the best way to organize the buttons? By guessing, or thinking only of their own unique experiences pressing buttons? It’s neither! Because we are all different as individuals and have slightly differing goals when we use the control board. The key is to find similarities between the majority of users and to strategize for them. How great UX increases your customer conversion rate

What User Experience designers do

UX experts like ourselves have logged countless hours learning about human behavior. UX experts typically ask questions to discover unique attributes of your customers. With surveys and comparative tests, UX designers often ask questions such as:

  • What forums or discussion groups are your customers a part of?
  • When do your customers use the Internet most often?

They put themselves in the users’ shoes to understand their needs. UX experts come with a toolkit to help you to learn as much as you can about your consumers. Then they tailor your organization’s web experience to user preferences. How great UX increases your customer conversion rate

How User Experience Design helps you reach your goals

Don’t misunderstand us though – empathy is a means to an end. The end being reaching your goals, whether it be increased sales, clicks, or newsletter subscriptions. These goals are called conversion rates, and those are the UX devotee’s golden ticket. It’s important to narrow in as much as possible on what makes your users unique. This information is used to entice them to click what you want them to click and more. Key factors are to keep design simple and precise. It’s helpful to ask questions like: What does the customer want to achieve? Why are they on your website anyway? How can you help them get what they need quickly and without hassle? How great UX increases your customer conversion rate

How do you know if your company’s website is UX-effective?

While we can all appreciate beauty, a beautiful website does not always lend to an enjoyable experience. Take your own website’s UX temperature by examining the following items: is the user experience useful, usable, desirable, findable, accessible, credible and valuable? If you can’t work on all the points at once, spend significant time focusing on one facet, or a few. It’s better to improve user experience on any level than to leave visitors with an unsatisfactory experience. How great UX increases your customer conversion rate

Key Takeaways

Finding great UX design experts that know how to reach your marketing goal can bring life to stifled customer conversion rates. It’s important to look beyond visual design itself and value your customer’s experience. Is the soul of your organization tactfully displayed? Are key staff dedicated to engaging customers in a cohesive online branding experience? It’s time to realign the spotlight to what’s truly important in a successful marketing strategy. Custom interaction with your consumers will become ever more critical as the presence of forward-thinking competitors continues to increase.

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