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Generate More EdTech Leads with Content Based Marketing

It’s true that blogging can bring more traffic to your site, which in turn can generate a whole heap of new leads. But if you really want to take advantage of all of those clicks, you need to create an atmosphere that maximizes user interaction. The following quick tips will get your EdTech blog battle ready.

content based marketing

Treat Your Blog Like a Valued Team Member

Have you ever had trouble finding a blog on a company website? When you finally managed to locate it, didn’t it seem like their blog belonged on another site? Surprisingly, this type of setup isn’t rare. As you know, it’s not exactly what anyone would call user-friendly. Your blog is a valued member of a team, just like every other page on your website. Make sure that its presence is visible, and that it’s well integrated with the rest of your site. Amazing content won’t do you any good if your blog is tucked away in some obscure nook.

content based marketing

Link to Other Sites

Linking to other sites shows that you’re not only about self-promotion. Directing your visitors to other useful sources demonstrates that you truly care about solving your consumers’ problems. Not to mention, the search engines will give you a huge thumbs up. For the actual placement, you’re not limited to the end of a post. If you can weave links naturally into the body of an article, you spare yourself from having to explain unfamiliar vocabulary, and you grant readers immediate access to vital information. Try hyperlinking particular words or phrases. This is much easier on the eye than long URLs.

content based marketing

Don’t Forget to Share

Everyone is all too familiar with “likes”, but “shares” may actually be more important. Including share icons spurs readers to pass your content along to a number of eyes who may be interested in what you have to offer. Not everyone knows about your gamification or flipped classroom solutions, but they probably have a friend who does. Don’t hesitate to explicitly ask your visitors to share. This is far more normal than you might think, so there’s no need to worry about frightening them off.

content based marketing

Keep an Eye on Those Keywords

With keywords, it’s sometimes hard to even begin to know where to look. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources out there that can steer you in the right direction. Give some of these recommendations from HubSpot a try. Once you have your keywords, your job isn’t done. You’ll need a strategy to put them to use effectively. Top ranked keywords draw a ton of attention and even more competition. Look for creative alternatives that pack a punch in terms of relevance, but are a little easier to obtain.

content based marketing

Plug Your Call-to-action

Creating content that your visitors love is the first step. Next, you have to convert them to qualified leads, and you can’t do that without an alluring call-to-action. It takes pinpoint precision, but if you have a firm grasp of your buyer personas this will come together naturally. Call-to-actions function best when they’re tied to pieces of content that are closely related. Ironing out the perfect phrasing is only one piece of the puzzle. A quality landing page and a premium content offer have to come attached. This doesn’t have to be too complicated. Clean, easy to use, and helpful are the only keys you have to be mindful of.

The Bottom Line

Content based marketing gives you a sustainable method for generating leads. The suggestions in this article aren’t all encompassing, but you’ll have more than enough to start laying the groundwork for your content strategy.   To learn about what’s needed to develop an effective Content and Inbound Strategy, grab our free eBook here! If you have any questions about how to get started with an Inbound Strategy for your company, don’t be shy, reserve a time to speak with us here. We’re happy to help!

Also Read – How to Generate More Qualified EdTech Leads on a Tight Budget

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