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Choosing the Right CleanTech Marketing Agency for B2B CleanTech Brands

You know what they say: “Two heads are better than one.” We’re not sure where “they” got their information, but there should be a disclaimer: Two butting heads cause twice as many headaches. A content partner can only be an asset if they understand CleanTech and its unique customers. This understanding won’t happen overnight; it takes patience, cooperation, and a genuine love of finding solutions by the right CleanTech Marketing Agency. An agency that operates as a hired gun won’t give you the best results. You need a dedicated partner that views your company as a collaborator. It’s not always easy to feel this out, but there are tell-tale signs that let you know if you’ve found the one…or some other one.

Do They Practice What They Preach?

CleanTech Marketing Agency There’s a simple and readily accessible method for assessing an agency’s command of Content Marketing: their website!

  • Is their site’s design easy to navigate? Can you find their blog without any trouble?
  • Does their content engage and inform you? Do you want to keep reading more?
  • Are there Call-to-Actions? Do they entice you to download their Premium Content Offers?
  • Can you see a clear strategy in play?

If you answer “no” to more than a few of these, it’s likely that the option you’re evaluating won’t be the right fit. This goes without saying, but it’s never a good sign when an agency isn’t utilizing their own bread and butter on their website.


Do They Have the Time?

CleanTech Marketing Agency Time! No one can get anything done without it. You might be smitten with a particular agency, but without room in their schedule to help you, your crush will be one-sided.Make certain that your Content/Inbound partner can make the following commitments:

  • At minimum, an hour a week to go over results and talk strategy.
  • Do they have the resources to handle the workload in a timely fashion? Inbound Marketing is a team effort that takes a Content Strategist, a Writer/Editor, a SEO Wiz, a Designer, and a Developer.
  • Are they able to commit to a long-term strategy? Generally, it takes at least 6 months before Content Marketing begins to show results.
  • In total, you’ll need an agency that can devote about 40-50 hours a month to your Clean Energy company.



How do They Measure Success?

CleanTech Marketing Agency You don’t need us to tell you that content marketing success equals an abundance of web traffic and qualified leads. However, knowing how to get there isn’t as straightforward. How are the metrics collected? How do they tell us if a strategy is working or not? These are questions that an agency has to answer in order to define what “success” will mean for your company. A benchmark that indicates an upward trend for one company, might spell failure for another. Don’t settle for any generic promises of “success”.


How do They Treat You?

CleanTech Marketing Agency No one likes to be treated like a number or a dollar sign. It’s important to assess whether an agency views your relationship solely as a monetary transaction, or as a partnership.Pay special attention to why they want to work with you:

  • Do they believe in your company’s mission?
  • Does their past work reflect a customer-centered, solution-based approach?
  • Are they genuinely excited to help you find solutions?
  • Are they focused on the potential of building a long-term relationship?

If all of these points check out, you may have found your Content Marketing dream date.  


The Bottom Line

When it comes to selecting the right Content Marketing agency for your CleanTech company, you have every right to be choosy. You’re not just buying a service; you’re forming a partnership. This type of bond doesn’t form in an instant. Every good agency understands this and we’ll gladly take the time to get to know you.

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